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Finding your NMI

NMI stands for National Metering Identifier. It’s a unique number for the electricity connection at your address.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you correctly use your NMI when comparing energy plans on our website.

Get your latest energy bill:

  • Check the name of your energy company.

Locating your NMI on your energy bill:

  • Your NMI is often located on the first page of your bill near your customer details. Check out an example of a bill on the AER website.
  • It will be written as - National Meter Identifier (NMI), National Metering Identifier, or NMI.

Understanding the format:

  • Generally, NMIs are written as numbers; sometimes, they can be numbers and letters.
  • NMIs always consist of 10 or 11 characters.

If your NMI is numbers only, check your ‘zeros’ and ‘ones’:

  • Ensure that you have not mistakenly entered ‘O’ (letter O) instead of a zero (0), or an ‘I’ (letter I) instead of a one (1).

Does your NMI have numbers and letters?

  • If your NMI includes alphabetic letters, ensure that ‘O’ (letter O) or ‘I’ (letter I) are not included.

Example of how an NMI might look on a bill

Your electricity supply details
Plan name Sample plan name
NMI 4102000000
Supply address 1 Example Street, NSW, 1234
Billing period DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY

More about your NMI

Your NMI isn’t the same as your meter number.

We use the NMI to get information about how much energy you use in your home or business. We get this information securely from the Australian Energy Market Operator, with your permission.

In Queensland, your NMI will usually start with two letters followed by 9 numbers.

Last updated on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 5:15 PM