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Australian government - energy made easy: the power to compare

Smart meters can save you money

What are smart meters?

Smart meters are a special type of electricity meter. They are sometimes called interval meters, advanced meters or 'type 4' meters.

They are different to other meters because they:

  • record how much electricity a house or business is using at regular times during the day
  • send the readings directly to your energy company electronically.

This means no one needs to come to your place to:

  • read your electricity meter
  • work out how much electricity you use when you change energy companies or move house.

Smart meters can tell you a lot about:

  • how much electricity you use
  • when you use electricity.

Tools that come with smart meters

Smart meters may come with tools to help you see how much electricity you're using. For example:

  • in-home display units
  • web portals.

With an in-home display unit, you don't have to wait for your bill to know how much energy you're using. It shows you:

  • how much electricity you are using right now
  • how much your electricity right now will cost per hour.

A web portal is a website. It shows you how much electricity you use in a:

  • day
  • week
  • month
  • year.

Contact your energy company/energy retailer or distributor for more information.

You can find your distributor's number on your bill, usually under the 'Faults and Emergencies' section. If you are still not sure who your distributor is, contact your energy retailer or see our Who is my energy distributor? FAQ page.

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Last updated on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 8:20 PM