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Australian government - energy made easy: the power to compare

How can I get access to the Energy Made Easy plan data?

The plan data in Energy Made Easy is submitted by energy retailers, in accordance with their obligations in the National Energy Retail Law (NERL) and the AER's Retail Pricing Information Guidelines.

Retailer plan data is collected by the AER for the purpose of operating Energy Made Easy, and we make this plan data available to energy consumers seeking to find and compare energy plans using our plan search function.

This data is collected by the AER under information gathering powers in the NERL and as a result, the AER is prevented by law and regulations from releasing or broadly sharing this data.

For this reason, the AER does not provide access to the Energy Made Easy plan data in a machine readable format via an API, or any file based delivery methods.

Generic energy tariff/plan data, like that held in Energy Made Easy, has been recognised as a priority data set for inclusion in the Consumer Data Right (CDR) for the energy sector.

The AER has developed CDR specific APIs to share the Energy Made Easy plan data in accordance with the CDR Rules and Data Standards. For more information on these APIs, please refer to the Energy APIs specification on the Consumer Data Standards website.

We encourage anyone seeking access to the Energy Made Easy plan data to subscribe to the Australian Government CDR newsletter, to stay informed of ongoing developments in that process.

Last updated on Wednesday, October 25, 2023 at 1:48 PM